Garden Services Coordinator – Position Description and Objectives
Last Updated 2nd March 2023 by Julian Agius
Reports to: CEO
We are keen to promote and develop the garden services aspect of the business. We see garden services as being an area that we can develop into a resource for both the local and wider community and provide real and environmentally positive outcomes. As garden services coordinator, you are responsible for the day to day administration of the consultancy packages that we offer to our customers.
The role requires you to liaise with numerous external consultants when assigning the garden services bookings. It is important that you have a good relationship with these consultants and are familiar with the areas that they are strongest to ensure that our customers get the best consultant for their needs. A strong attention to detail and continual follow-up is required as the Garden Services Coordinator. We are putting our name and reputation behind the work that is being carried out by our consultants. We need to be continually monitoring their performance to ensure that they are contacting our customers promptly and providing our customers with the level of service that we would expect. As the Garden Services Coordinator it is necessary to continually review the requirements of our customers so that we can recruit the best consultants for our current needs. You are required to discuss recruitment options with the CEO as necessary. The development of our services offer is integral to the role of Garden Services Coordinator. You are required to be continually considering options and making improvements to our programs so as to bring them closer to our objectives of providing our customers with an educational experience and an as close to positive as possible environmental outcome.
We have greatly simplified the system and now only offer two types of consultancy; Garden Consultancy (90 minutes) and Extended Consultancy (180 minutes). There is more info on both of these on the website and generally they are explained well enough that we rarely get customers unsure which one to choose.
First thing to do is always check the webshop orders page to make sure the corresponding payment has come in. If it hasn’t, send this email to the customer:
(cc so you have a copy)
Thanks for your interest in our consultancy service. The order has been received, however no payment has come through as yet. If you would like to proceed with the consultancy could you please complete the payment at one of the following links:
90 minute Garden Consultancy:
180 minute Extended Consultancy:
I will keep your order details on file for a week after which you will need to re-submit your details.
Queen Cathy
Once you have sent this you don’t need to do anything else unless you hear back (or unless the payment shows up)
If payment has come through ok:
Choose a consultant.
There are a few things to consider here. The location, consultant’s expertise and the order in which we have given them work. In that order. Diana, Sam, Sarah and Claire can all do most consultancies, however as a rule Diana is a little more formal, Claire and Sam for less formal / native and Sarah if the consultancy seems to be calling for more horticultural knowledge. James ONLY wants to do extended and is only interested in design focussed consults. He hasn’t been getting many as you can imagine. Generally speaking though, don’t worry too much about this. All our consultants are great.
Check the suburb and see which of the consultants cover that area. You will find that doc in Public\Consultancies & Trade Recommendations\CoverageAllConsultants.pdf. If the suburb is not listed you may need to process a refund (check first that is isn’t some little tiny suburb that is really part of another suburb). Most of the time I just give the consultancy to the consultant who is next in line. Check the excel spreadsheet M:\Consultancies & Trade Recommendations\consultancies allocated to.xlsx. Make sure you keep this up to date whenever you allocate a new one.
Claire Hocking – – 0400 543 924
Diana Cotter – – 0402 202 894
Sam Heale – 0427 800 443
Sarah Hardgrove – – 0433 201 728
James Dawson –
Send the consultant the info
Forward the form through to your chosen one. Don’t forget to cc
Always put this info in the subject:
Garden Consultancy (90 minutes) – Customer Name – #1234
Extended Consultancy (180 minutes) – Customer Name – #1234
(#1234 use the order number from the shop)
Don’t forget to fill in the excel spreadsheet with the consultancy number, date and who you allocated it to.
Then send the customer their info. Again, don’t forget to cc
90 minute Garden Consultancy
Thank you for booking a garden consultancy with Bulleen Art & Garden. A consultant will be in touch with you within 7 working days.
We have created a short guide designed to help you prioritise your needs. This will enable you to get the most value out of the time you have with the consultant. You can arrange to forward any relevant information to the consultant prior to your appointment, or run through it together on the day. You can download a copy of the guide here:
Once the consultancy has taken place please feel free to send through any feedback you have to We are always trying to improve the entire service, so we would love to hear your thoughts on everything from the booking process to the consultancy itself.
We hope you get as much out of the consultancy as you hope to!
Queen Cathy
180 minute Extended Consultancy
Thank you for booking an extended consultancy with Bulleen Art & Garden. A consultant will be in touch with you within 7 working days to organise a time that suits you both.
We have created a short guide designed to help you prioritise your needs. This will enable you to get the most value out of the time you have with the consultant. You can arrange to forward any relevant information to the consultant prior to your appointment, or run through it together on the day. You can download a copy of the guide here:
Once the consultancy has taken place please feel free to send through any feedback you have to We are always trying to improve the entire service, so we would love to hear your thoughts on everything from the booking process to the consultancy itself.
We hope you get as much out of the consultancy as you hope to!
Queen Cathy
That’s pretty much it!