The trade store in the yard shed has greatly increased the turnover of products in this area. With the introduction of a register into the yard shed, customers who purchase products from the yard have to enter the trade store to pay. This may be the only contact that we have with these customers. This creates an opportune time to sell to these customers products that they may normally go elsewhere for such as shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows etc.
The trade store also services the needs of our trade customers. These customers require quality tools at a competitive price. In many cases they will grab a trowel, cement colour, water proofer etc as they are purchasing other materials. If we do not have these items in stock they will go elsewhere. Likewise if these items are overpriced they will go elsewhere. As a result we are losing far more than the $7.95 sale of the trowel.
Orders should be placed every week or so and it is important not to run out of anything as tradies rely on our stocks. If we do run out get the stock couriered to the tradie as soon as possible if that is suitable. These guys are worth going out of your way for, as they can become large long-term customers and are often an avenue to some very wealthy clientele. Use the order list when ordering and ensure every item is checked every time. It is easy to over look items if your not careful. The order list and price lists are kept on the computer in the yard sub-directory.
Trade letter
Every two months we send out our trade letter. It goes out to over 600 tradies and it is important that the products selected for special are a genuine bargain otherwise we can look quite stupid.
The trade store should be regularly swept and dusted. All products should be correctly labelled and priced.
Refer to the pebbles job description.