1. Stock benches tidily in alphabetical order using the botanical name and place plants in their correct size category in neat rows with labels facing forward. When there are two tiers of benches, plants of a particular variety should be represented in both levels. If there are 15cm and 20cm pots, the 15cm should be on the bottom level and the 20cm on the top. Alternatively, if there are larger quantities of 15 and 20cm pots, then the 15cm pots are placed in a row to the left and the 20cm pots in a row to the right. Do not put blocks or rows of one variety behind another variety.
2. When placing according to the alphabet, use the Genus followed by the cultivar name, if there is no cultivar name, use the species. So for example Correa alba, followed by Correa ‘Beautiful’, followed by Crowea ‘Alberta’.
The first bench(s) of each section is for native plants, followed by exotic varieties (A-Z). Check that the plant controller has separated the stock on the distribution racks into native shelves and exotic shelves. If you are unsure ask for confirmation before restocking.
3. Plant maintenance must be performed at all times while the plants are being put away. You must wear secateurs in an appropriate pouch at all times in the nursery (please see supervisor for secateurs): remove suckers or spent leaves/flowers as you see them otherwise it will never be done. When doing maintenance on the benches you must check every plant you handle and remove weeds, face labels and prune if required. As soon as you see poor stock remove it and put on a trolley for the special section. Always ask yourself, “Would I buy this plant for that price?” Likewise if a plant is in the wrong position it should come off straight away and either be positioned correctly or returned to the plant reserve. Ensure the plants are evenly spaced over the entire bench. Keep a tub near you at all times to toss clippings weeds etc. as you work.
4. Do not squeeze plants onto the benches: Stock should be adequately spaced and no stock should be left on the ground, cramming stock will create additional maintenance in the future, and losses. Return excess stock to the reserve or talk to the manager in charge who may find an alternative position for the plants. Make sure the main paths are clear of stock. This is very important for customer flow and for our own access when restocking. The main outer path must not be less than 2.4 metres.
5. Face all plant labels towards the customer. Pick up labels on the ground while you work and place them in the appropriate plant and raise up tie-on labels so that they are visible. Remove any plants that aren’t labelled from the bench and put on the special rack (choose the poorest of the batch). A plant which is not priced or labelled will not sell, this is a completely unnecessary reason for losing a sale. Never leave used or mistake price stickers lying around the counter or floor. They stick to benches and floor areas and are very difficult to remove and clean up. If you are sure as to what the plant is then you can write a label for the plant and it can stay on the bench.
6. After restocking each bench on Thursday night, review the shelf talkers. Take any shelf talkers not needed off the shelf and file in the information stand. Then put out all the shelf talkers with available plants for each section. Put any empty shelf talker holders away in the sign storage area. Move old stock to the front before putting new stock on the benches.