Weekday Register Jobs

Never leave the register unattended or unobserved.

Your number one job, above EVERYTHING else, is to never leave the register area unattended. If you need to leave the area you must get somebody to replace you.

After each tea break and lunch collect all trolleys from out the front and return them to nursery. Put customer baskets back into stock near the info stand.

Sweep around registers and shop aisles.

Empty bins under cash registers and clean around all registers

Products left at the desk not purchased should be put back on shelves. Call N1 or N2 for any plants that need returning to stock.

Fold cardboard seedling trays

Sort and stock recycled bags and old newspapers.

Tidy and dust the bookshop.

Face up shelves of shop (all products brought to the front), dust and clean shelves.

Check that all products have a price.. and that it is the same price as its fellow product

Water plants around the shop (if needed)

Check quality of plants in displays tidy up or take to reserve for specials

Check with Joe Raneri for jobs – pricing and displaying wind chimes, small pots, etc.

Check with Dennis for any other jobs eg hardware to put away, shelves or product to clean

Remove spider webs

Clean windows

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