All work done on the trade mailing list and trade letter is extremely important as it attracts trade customers to Bulleen Art & Garden. Trade customers are invaluable as they provide continual business even during slower times.
There are two main sources of new trade mailing list customers:
Annual Update
In March each year an update of all landscapers and other trade customers is undertaken. Sources are:
Local Papers
The Heidelberger, Northcote Leader, Doncaster Templestowe News and Progress Press Preston Leader, Diamond Valley News newspapers should be collected from over 3 separate months as tradies tend to advertise intermittently, slow months more tradies chasing work/advertising, February. All advertisements for landscapers, gardeners, sprinkler installers and paviers must be kept.
Yellow Pages
Highlight all landscapers, landscape designers, gardeners, paviers and sprinkler installers who have a local address within the immediate local area, ie. Within our normal delivery areas.
Account Customers
The accounts receivable clerk can provide you with a list of addresses and phone numbers.
The first step in any update is to contact all the people on our existing trade mailing list to ensure that they are still at the same address and still wish to receive the trade letter. They should also be asked if there are any products that they would like to see Bulleen Art & Garden stock or if they have any problems with our service.
Update Method
Staff should be able to work directly from data base?? Get 3 computer listings the existing trade mailing list – one sorted to home phone number, one sorted to mobile number and one sorted to business name. Then check that tradespeople advertised/listed from the above sources are not already on the list by comparing phone numbers (both mobile and home) and name.
If the tradesperson is not on the list ring them saying (refer to “new landscapers pack info sheet):
(a) Your name and Bulleen Art & Garden
(b) You are phoning regarding the trade mailing list being updated
(c) Letters being sent to local tradespeople
(d) Bi-monthly trade specials and events
(e) Free
(f) New landscapers pack will be sent out with details plus 2 free delivery coupons
(f) Trade discounts
(g) Current email
(h) Address for mailing list
Ongoing Recruitment
You must always be on the lookout for new trade customers in both the yard and nursery. Introduce yourself and welcome them to the nursery. Ask them if they would like to go onto our trade mailing list and receive our bi-monthly trade letter.
Encourage other staff to recruit trade customers as well, especially the yard and greenstock managers.
Program for truck drivers
Program for yard staff
Monthly Trade Email
+ An email containing trade specials should be sent out every month, at the start of the month.
+ The email should contain at least one bulk yard special and another yard product special, 2 trade store specials, a hardgoods product, a sprinkler product, 2 plant items and any other specials that can be arranged.
+ It should also contain information on new products stocked at Bulleen Art & Garden and any other coming events eg. New season’s roses, fruit trees, camellias, etc. Always refer to the staff member in charge of a particular section and remind tradespeople of our trade discounts. Any new products should be listed below. If any suppliers wish to sponsor the trade letter we get them to supply brochures and give a really cheap introductory special and pay for half the distribution cost ( around $500 is half). Ensure that it is a product which will appeal to most tradespeople.