Rose Buyer

Rose product ranging/buying

This job description should be read in conjunction with:
(a) Guidelines for staff in charge of a section
(b) Guidelines for buyers


Rose purchasing patterns have changed greatly over the years. In years gone by when winter was the only time to source a good range of roses bare root this was a huge time for Baag. Now with a number of suppliers able to provide a wide range of potted roses through their flowering period more sales are achieved when customers can smell and see the true colour of the rose. Many are now also sold on impulse and as gifts.
Winter supply of roses is however still important for a number of reasons:

Many customers understand that winter is still the time to source the widest range at the cheapest price as they can be transported bare root. Customers will expect Baag to have a good range.
It is the only time to source certain roses, especially Old Fashioned, that are not part of the mainstream year round supply.
Winter roses still provide vital winter income
It is an opportunity for Baag to secure certain roses other retailers are unlikely to stock.

PRE-ORDER – Expenditure on roses during winter/early spring places the businesses cash reserves under pressure.

Rose product and the customer

The selection of rose product should begin with the customer and move backwards toward a suitable product range .For example:
Customer Demand is the driving force for deciding on the roses we stock.
Buyers must clearly separate prejudices and interests to see the rose as a product providing the maximum margin possible.

Target markets

Clearly there are two major target markets that are serviced by us when selling roses, these are:

1.Older/mature rose buyers 50+
They will expect a good range during winter at the cheapest price . They tend to go for the more traditional, older varieties, H.T’s, Floribundas – Mr Lincoln, Peace, Blue Moon, Friesia, Just Joey etc. Post WW2 varieties – long stems – colour.

2.Younger/mostly female – 30-40yrs
Buy D.A’s, new release varieties,
Landscape – Old Fashioned etc – promoted rose varieties.

Balance – when ranging

When planning, extending or maintaining product range – a balance between the different needs of these two major target groups must be maintained.
Careful experimentation of new rose ranges is encouraged and often provides benefits such as new markets and customers.

Seek advice from rose experts such as Barry Johnson or members of the Rose Society.

Ordering – suppliers

Tunundra Park have now been the key supplier of roses to Baag for a number of years. A sale or return agreement is in place for spring, summer and autumn and it is strongly suggested this continues. Margins are guaranteed and there is no need for any losses or high maintenance costs.

Tunundra park can also supply a wide range of potted winter stock at a good price. The winter stock is not currently on a sale or return basis as it is in smaller pots. Winter quality may not be as good as that from other rose suppliers but it is suggested that a good portion is still ordered to maintain the working relationship in place.

When ordering bare root winter stock from other suppliers there are 2 things to keep in mind.
-1- It is an opportunity to source roses that Tunundra have been unable to supply and there has been demand for.
-2- Only order quantities that can be sold by mid September before higher maintenance costs will be needed. Record any stock that have been over or under ordered on the Rose database for future reference. Plan on starting to stock Tunundras Sale or Return stock from then on.

All Bare Root Rose stock should be ordered by February. Always try for 2 year old first. Use records on the Nursery database as a guide from previous years and update for future reference. This access file can then be used as stock lists and price guides.

When ordering the bare root roses the current delivery address is to Piggyback Farm at Humber Rd. North Croydon. Piggyback are contract potting for Baag and then delivering to us. Ensure to keep Wayne in the loop as to how many roses (fax him a list), ask him to price them for Baag as well and then keep the phone at least 30cm from your ear until he calms down.
When ordering roses ask that each rose be labelled individually to make the job at Piggyback much simpler.

Key suppliers are as follows

1. Merri River Roses (MAY OR MAYNOT BE IN BUSINESS 2008 BUT CHECK FIRST) Dennington Victoria Ph. & Fax (03) 5562 0684
H.T., Floribunda, O.F., Climbing, some stds
Contact: Andy and Suzy Walter
Good range, good price, great service, can be talkative on the phone, great for a mixed bag of cheap bare root specials also.

2. Nieuwesteeg Rose Nursery Coldstream Victoria Ph. 9739 0094 Fax. 9739 3770
H.T., Floribunda, O.F., Climbing, stds, weepers, Alister Clark , David Austins
Contact: Anyone
Good range of Old fashioned , Best quality, Piggyback will pick up.

3. Mac’s Roses for standards

4. Treloar roses mainly for new release and others Nieuwesteeg don’t stock. Great for some Old Fashioned as well.

5. Rob Comley Roses (Have had problems with quality and deliveries in the past)Nth Adelaide South Australia Ph. (08) 8380 9679 Fax (08) 8380 9678
H.T., Floribunda, O.F., Climbing, Stds, weepers, David Austins
Contact: Rob or Jacqui
Need to order stock 2 years in advance (eg. November 2000 for June 2002)therefore hard to guess accurately the amounts required. Their service, invoicing and delivering is crappy and getting worse.

6. Alameda Homestead Berwick Victoria Ph. 9702 1843 Fax. 9702 1656
H.T., Floribunda, O.F., Climbing, Stds, David Austins
Also sell Potted Stock through spring/ summer. Can be expensive but have a good range especially for old fashioned, good for individual customer orders
Contact: Judy

7. Smiths Cottage Mitcham Victoria Ph 9873 0553 Mob. 0417 526 828
Selected varieties, mainly old fashioned. Great for advice and identification.
Only potted stock, throughout most of the year, quality will vary but he does carry unusual ones cheaper than Alameda and Roses Galore.
Contact: Guy

8. Clyde Wholesale Victoria Ph. (03) 5998 5546
Selected roses mainly the popular ones
Only potted stock, mainly through spring/ summer.
Contact: John

When ordering roses, make sure you negotiate a delivery time, particularly on standards, before you
place the order.

COMLEYS: Ordering in Advance
You need to order Comley’s 2 years in advance to gain 2.y.old stock (including standards)
This in many ways is problematic as rose fashion order requirements change from year to year. HOWEVER YOU CAN ALTER YOUR ORDER. You need to alter your orders (forward) accordingly so as we are not left with stock at the end of the season.
– Delete non-performing lines
– Delete lines that have disease or growth problems
– Reduce no’s of roses that did not sell
Give Comley’s a written explanation of why you are reducing your forward order and allow them as much notice as possible.

Our partnership with suppliers

We have developed good, strong and beneficial partnerships with these suppliers and they look after us with price, delivery and service. However always search out new/potential suppliers.

Over the last 5 years the no’s of roses in the total has reduced. This “active” reduction has occured for a number of reasons:

– The rose product is more available in the market place.
– More potted stock is available from August/Sept onwards (no need to forward order as much)
– A shift towards larger growing old fashioned David Austin type roses
– Smaller gardens/balcony gardens

Product range in the future.

There are opportunities for us if we range our product to suit the changing needs of our customers.

– Look at smaller patio roses (dwarf roses)
– Roses suitable for pots/patios (Patio’s/Balcony’s)
– Support the rose enthusiasts with new release, different and fashionable lines (D.A’s & O.Fash)

Bench talkers
Information & Roses

Bench Talker information assists the rose customer in making a buying decision. Good and honest
They also has these benefits.
– Saves serving time
– Saves staff repeating the same basic cultural and varietal information
– Presents a professional and knowledgeable face to the customer
– Is educational for the customer and the

Roses & price

Pricing policy and roses. Check out the competitive market:

– Greenery & other nurseries
– Bunnings
– Safeway/Mitre 10
Keep Terry from Tunundra sweet and recognise the savings to Baag with the Sale or Return agreement. Talk to him about suggested price points but still try and maintain 90-100% if he agrees. The agreement works two ways so try and only order stock you think you need for a week and try your hardest to minimise returns.
My mid September all Winter stock should either be specialled to clear or marked up to a base price (currently 07 $15.95)

If caught out.
Spray Contractor – Plant & Bug Company
No.1. Phillip Hicks

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